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Empower family members and justice-involved veterans to maintain and nurture their critical connections to promote well-being.

Valor Village Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides safe, comfortable, overnight lodging for family members who’ve traveled to southeastern  Virginia to visit with an incarcerated military veteran. 

Guests stay, free of charge, at a spacious, newly renovated, residential home (STAYtion®) that offers respite self-care, educational resources, and access to a compassionate support staff of justice advocates.


The pair of service boots that guests find posted at the front door represents our social responsibility pledge—To prove ourselves worthy of our veterans and their families sacrifices, by helping to bridge the gap between isolation and unwavering support.
At Valor Village we are honored to serve the families of justice-involved military veterans, as they fight for the freedom of those who fought so gallantly for ours.  

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Serving the families of justice-involved military veterans.

Please contact us for more information:

202-476-9058 or Toll Free 833-4-OUR VET (833-468-7838)

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©2022 by Valor Village

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